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Fire Safety Q & A

Fire Safety Questions 

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Workplaces with a minimum of ____ employees need to have a written fire prevention program in place. 11 Employers should provide their workers with the fire prevention plan in writing when there are 11 or more employees at a workplace. In a workplace with 10 or fewer employees, the fire prevention plan may be communicated verbally.
How often should all fire alarms at home should be replaced Every 10 years Because alarm sensors wear out, replace each alarm at least every 10 years. Also, alarms have labels showing when they were made. If you don’t see a label, the alarm is old and must be replaced.
True or False: The primary function of a fire door is to exit a building in case of fire. False  Although in some cases fire doors are used as emergency exits in the event of a fire, the primary function of a fire door is to act as a fire barrier and contain fire and smoke to prevent it from entering parts of the building unaffected by fire at the time.
When should employees be informed of the fire hazards to which they are exposed at work? Upon the initial assignment OSHA Standard number 1910.39(d) states, “An employer must inform employees upon initial assignment to a job of the fire hazards to which they are exposed. An employer must also review with each employee those parts of the fire prevention plan necessary for self-protection.”
When using a fire extinguisher, how far should you stand away from the fire? 8 feet According to FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), it's recommended that you stand 8 feet away when extinguishing a fire.
True or False: Even when there are no signs of a fire, you should respond to every fire alarm as if it were real. TRUE Every fire alarm should receive the same reaction, regardless of whether there is actually a fire or not. Even when you do not see any signs of fire, you should take appropriate steps when an alarm is sounded. Moreover, all false alarms should be reported to the authorities.
What should you do if you are unable to evacuate a burning building? Stay low under the smoke If you’re unable to escape the building, you should create an area of refuge by- - Sealing the room. Stuff wet cloth around cracks in doors, and seal up vents. This stops the smoke from coming through such openings. - Keeping windows and doors closed. Do not break windows. Smoke and flames can come in from the inside. Crack open a window slightly if you need air. - Staying low under smoke. Smoke, heat, and poisonous gases rise, leaving the freshest air closer to the floor.
Which fire extinguisher is used to put out fires caused by flammable liquids? Class B carbon dioxide fire extinguisher Flammable liquids include oils, gasoline, paints, grease, lacquers, and solvents.
Where should you aim a fire extinguisher nozzle when putting out a fire? At the base of the fire You should always aim at the base of the fire and never the flames. To put out a fire, it is important that you extinguish the fuel. If you aim at the flames, the extinguishing agent will fly through them without putting out the fire.
Which fire extinguisher is used to put out Class A fires?  Both b and c Class A fires include fires in ordinary combustibles: paper, wood, cloth, rubber, and many plastics. Water based fire extinguishers and multi-purpose dry chemical based fire extinguishers are suitable for Class A fires. However, ordinary dry chemical fire extinguishers are suitable for only Class B and Class C fires.
Fire alarms should be inspected (for functionality)… At least once a month NFPA 72 outlines the minimum testing schedule: weekly visual inspections, monthly functional tests, and annual professional inspections.
True or False: A portable fire extinguisher should only be used by trained employees. TRUE Employers can choose to authorize some or all employees to use portable extinguishers. In both cases, employers should provide employees sufficient training to do so.
Most fire deaths occur where? In the home Approximately 80% of all U.S. fire deaths occur in the home.
True or False: All workplaces need to provide portable fire extinguishers. False  According to OSHA, employers are not required to provide portable fire extinguishers in the office. But if they do, they must set up an educational program to acquaint employees with the general principles of fire extinguisher use.
True or False: During a fire, when a stairwell is unavailable because it is disabled or inaccessible, it is okay to use the elevators when exiting a building. False  According to the National Fire Protection Agency, using the elevator in the event of a fire or any other building emergency is never appropriate, even in a two-story building. The elevator may malfunction or travel to a fire floor, exposing occupants to the fire. There is also an increased risk of smoke inhalation, because smoke may enter the elevator through shafts and travel towards the roof of the building. If caught in this scenario, wait for the fire rescue to arrive for assistance. 
Which acronym describes the correct sequence of using a fire extinguisher? PASS The extinguisher should be discharges using the P.A.S.S technique – pull, aim, squeeze, and sweep.

- Pull the pin to break the tamper seal.
- Aim low, pointing the nozzle of the fire extinguisher at the base of the fire.
- Squeeze the handle to release the extinguishing agent.
- Sweep from one side to the other at the base of the fire till it extinguishes.
- Repeat in the event of re-ignition.
What was the leading causes of office and store fires (2020) Cooking Cooking: 29.4%, Intentional 11.2%, Electrical Malfunction 9.3%, Other unintentional/careless 7.8%, Appliances 7.6%
Should you sleep with your door open or closed at night? Closed Keeping your bedroom door closed has been proven to slow the spread of a house fire. Additional benefits include reduction of toxic smoke levels and lower levels of heat inside the bedroom. It is important to note – within 60 seconds of a fire starting, ceiling temperatures can reach over 1,000° F.
Why is Fire Prevention Week always the week of October 9th To commemorate The Great Chicago Fire Fire Prevention Week commemorates one of the worst fires in American history - the 1871 Great Chicago Fire. On October 9th, 250 people died and over 17,000 buildings were destroyed in a fire where the property damage was estimated at $169 million dollars.
From 2017–2021, United States fire departments responded to an estimated annual average of _____ fires at industrial or manufacturing properties (including utility, defense, agriculture, and mining properties). 36,784

From 2017–2021, United States fire departments responded to an estimated annual average of 36,784 fires at industrial or manufacturing properties (including utility, defense, agriculture, and mining properties). The associated annual losses from these fires included 22 civilian deaths, 211 civilian injuries, and $1.5 billion in direct property damage. This annual average of 36,784 fires can be broken down into the following categories:
    25,021 (68 percent) outside or unclassified fires
    8,077 (22 percent) structure fires
    3,687 (10 percent) vehicle fires

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